Umbraco language file translations editor We are currently working on adding the ability to submit translations for the Umbraco localization files via a nice user interface on the Umbraco community website.… Author: Chris Houston Date: Thursday, June 30, 2016
Umbraco CodeGarden 2017 Road Trip We are planning a road trip from Hamburg to Odense for the Umbraco Conference and are looking to see if two others would like to join us, if you would like further details, read our blog post.… Author: Chris Houston Date: Friday, February 10, 2017
Umbraco CodeGarden #CG16 Conference and Danish Culture At Vizioz we believe in having a good work life balance and like to combine our annual trip to the Umbraco CodeGarden conference with a bit of extra time to take in some Danish culture (not just the beer).… Author: Chris Houston Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Simple monitoring of a Raspberry Pi powered screen - Part 2 If you have read my previous blog post Raspberry Pi entrance signed backed by Umbraco - Part 1 which describes how we used a Raspberry Pi to drive an Entrance sign for QV Offices you will have seen I mentioned a follow up post about monitoring the sign.… Author: Chris Houston Date: Tuesday, April 08, 2014
Raspberry Pi entrance signed backed by Umbraco - Part 1 Being experts on all things Umbraco, we jumped at the chance to help our client, QV Offices, with their pressing signage predicament. They needed to display a sign in the entrance to their building and approached us for our advice. Of course it had to be electronic: displaying multiple names of their serviced office clients, meeting room bookings and on-the-pulse promotions.… Author: Chris Houston Date: Monday, February 03, 2014
We have moved to larger offices First of all we should probably apologise for the complete lack of blogging over the last 6 months! As web developers we are constantly telling our clients that they should keep their blogs up to date and it seems we have been ignoring our own advice.… Author: Chris Houston Date: Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Allen for Umbraco with location EXIF meta data The latest version of Allen for Umbraco has now hit the Apple App store, we have managed to add some nice improvements to this version that include… Author: Chris Houston Date: Saturday, June 09, 2012