Using the Windows Explorer Context Menu to reset Umbraco Directory Permissions
Hi All,
As Umbraco matures I am assuming that needing to reset directory permissions might well become a thing of the past, but at the moment it is still something when I copy sites between machines that I often find myself doing./p>
As it's 4:30am I thought, there must be a better way than having to open up a DOS prompt, navigate to a directory and then run a batch file passing in the IIS root folder location.
Well.. there is :)
I googled for adding a command to the context menu within Windows Explorer, I found a way of doing this for XP, but it seems the functionality was removed from Windows 7, however I found a very neat freeware application called File Menu Tools which does work perfectly!
I have now added a command to my context menu that enables me to right click an IIS site root folder and then call my batch script and automatically pass in the directory.
This will save me a bunch of time :)